Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom - Worth a watch? December 21, 2023Diving back into the world of Aquaman with 'The Lost Kingdom,' director James Wan brings us another visually dazzling adventure. The film looks amazing, and the costumes, especially for characters...
Goblin: a Korean Television Masterpiece December 6, 2023Goblin, the Korean drama series, stands as a cherished gem in my television viewing journey. It flawlessly intertwines elements of fantasy, romance, and drama, captivating me with its extraordinary storytelling...
47 Ronin’s director Carl Rinsch scammed Netflix’s money! November 23, 2023Netflix bought a sci-fi series from director Carl Rinsch in 2018 and spent $55M developing it. Not a single episode has been finished. Instead, the director has reportedly spent $11M...
That one movie, Downey deserved an Oscar for the most November 22, 2023Downey did something extraordinary. He didn't just act as the character; he became him. Tap to know which one we're talking about!
Superman: Legacy finds its Lex Luthor in Nicholas Hoult November 21, 2023The news of Nicholas Hoult nabbing the role of Lex Luthor in James Gunn's upcoming Superman Legacy has got everyone buzzing!
REBEL MOON TRAILER HAS THE INTERNET BY THE STORM August 23, 2023Fans took the hallelujah to new heights at this year's Gamescom as the much-anticipated trailer for "Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon" was finally unveiled to the world.